Forum Sketchup Artlantis Archicad
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 [ ARCHICAD ] build 5003 Empty
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Derniers sujets
» [ SKETCHUP généralité ] Problème avec le 3d warehouse
par tenrev Jeu 25 Juil 2024 - 11:35

par tenrev Mer 24 Juil 2024 - 13:37

» [ SKETCHUP généralité ] modélisation rapide d'un grand pouf style "fatboy"
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» [ SKETCHUP généralité ] Retourner le long de
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» [ ENSCAPE ] tuto rendu style "studio" et amélioration avec IA
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» [ SKETCHUP généralité ] short sur youtube bien organiser les scénes
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» [ SKETCHUP composants dynamiques ] un petit short youtube qui montre une utilisation de composants dynamiques
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» [ SKETCHUP plugins ] Parametric Modeling
par Anar Mar 23 Juil 2024 - 10:11

» [ SKETCHUP plugins ] Universal Importer
par tenrev Sam 20 Juil 2024 - 19:55

» [ D5_RENDER ] Le Cull effect dans un scatter
par Gaspard Hauser Ven 19 Juil 2024 - 17:52

» [ LUMION ] mémorandum LUMION
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» [ LUMION ] Lumion 2024
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» [ SKETCHUP composants dynamiques ] Hidden avec formule IF et OR imbriqué
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» [ PRESENTATION ] Anar (Spacymen)
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» [ CHALLENGES ] Ca vous intéresserait un challenge - je lance un sondage
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» [ SKETCHUP généralité ] barre outils 2024
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» [ SKETCHUP plugins ] boolean
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» [ D5_RENDER ] Quelques Rendus D5 Render
par Gaspard Hauser Sam 6 Juil 2024 - 11:39

» [ SKETCHUP composants dynamiques ] Demande aide Composant dynamique
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» [ ARCHICAD ] Alignement entre textures et hachures en façades
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par tenrev Sam 29 Juin 2024 - 14:19

» [ SKETCHUP plugins ] JHS power bar
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» [ SKETCHUP tutos ] Modéliser à partir d'1 image, d'1 photo
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» [ SKETCHUP généralité ] Modéliser à partir d'1 image, d'1 photo
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» [ SKETCHUP plugins ] plugin fredo 6 - réinstallation des licences
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» [ SKETCHUP généralité ] export-import de scènes
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» [ SKETCHUP plugins ] import nuages de points
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» [ SKETCHUP plugins ] layout sketchup et VBO LayOut Flattener
par JDD Mer 5 Juin 2024 - 19:42

» [ CHAINE TWITCH ] replay d'un mini live
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» [ SKETCHUP Layout ] Texture en rendu vectoriel
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» [ SKETCHUP objets ] tiroir cuisine
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» [ SKETCHUP composants dynamiques ]
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» [ SKETCHUP composants dynamiques ] Masquer valeur attribut
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par tenrev Mar 21 Mai 2024 - 10:17

par jerryvento Ven 17 Mai 2024 - 8:36


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[ ARCHICAD ] build 5003

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Masculin Date d'inscription : 05/03/2014
Nombre de messages : 53
Points : 165
Localisation : aquae sextius
Emploi : Architecte

Messagelibotonos Jeu 28 Mai 2020 - 14:52

La preview version de la build 5003 d’archicad 23 est téléchargeable sur le site graphisoft

The Update 5003 contains various enhancements and fixes since the original release of ARCHICAD 23.
New Feature
New 3D navigation mode for Remote Desktop Applications
A new navigation mode called Joystick has been introduced in the Explore Model function, that ensures reliable navigation in 3D via Remote Desktop Applications.
• ARCH-6264 CRASH/MODEL: Junctions calculation between walls and other elements failed and sometimes led to a crash when the cross section of the wall disappeared. (e.g. 0 height or 0 thickness).
• ARCH-9329 CRASH/IFC/TEAMWORK: ARCHICAD's Solibri Export settings dialog crashed on start if a teamwork project had been recently opened.
• ARCH-6527 CRASH: ARCHICAD could crash at startup with ArchiLogs add-on.
• ARCH-9316 CRASH: ARCHICAD could crash if a new line character was in the autotext.
• ARCH-6495 CRASH: ARCHICAD sometimes crashed while zooming in and out on a 2D view.
• ARCH-6280 CRASH: Opening the renovation filter options sometimes crashed ARCHICAD.
• ARCH-7998 CRASH: Placing a rotated object with trace & reference turned on sometimes crashed ARCHICAD.
• ARCH-9064 DOCUMENT/CRASH/HOTLINK: ARCHICAD crashed after modifying sea level in project with an associative level dimension on a mesh that comes from a hotlink module.
• ARCH-7180 DOCUMENT/CRASH: The favorites of incompatible tool/line types could be applied, for instance an arc could be applined to a line tool favorite leading to a crash.
• ARCH-7888 DOCUMENT/CRASH: ARCHICAD could crash while using "Label Components of Selected Elements" for a curtain wall.
• ARCH-10849 DOCUMENT/CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed after activating the dimension tool in a project with a curved beam with one zero end-length.
• ARCH-5575 DOCUMENT/CRASH: ARCHICAD sometimes crashed during background zone calculations for placed drawings.
• ARCH-4843 DOCUMENT/CRASH: ARCHICAD sometimes crashed if a detail marker was placed in the annotation view of a 2D preview in an interactive schedule.
• ARCH-5742 DOCUMENT/MODEL: Graphic override rules were not applied on mesh cut lines.
• ARCH-5686 DOCUMENT: 2D elements in layout were affected by graphic override rules.
• ARCH-6403 DOCUMENT: Dimensions were not associating correctly to complex profile hotspots.
• ARCH-6272 DOCUMENT: Graphic override did not apply to 2D previews of elements in an interactive schedule if they were placed on a layout.
• ARCH-8869 DOCUMENT: Incorrect pens were assigned to the new lines after exploding a PDF.
• ARCH-6189 DOCUMENT: Moving Layers by "Append" or "By Name" in the Attribute Manager replaced the first Layer with the ARCHICAD Layer.
• ARCH-8318 DOCUMENT: Same 2D plan preview generated in Schedules for different walls.
• ARCH-11269 DOCUMENT: Setting the same ID by building material/complex profile with element ID manager did not work for columns and beams.
• ARCH-9067 DOCUMENT: Some drawings were constantly updated although no changes were made.
• ARCH-9158 DOCUMENT: Switching renovation filter did not update graphics override rules of columns and beams in sections and elevations.
• ARCH-7035 DOCUMENT: Zone's door width parameter sometimes gave wrong values when the zone was bounded by curtain walls.
• ARCH-7050 DOCUMENT:"Layout Number in Subset" displayed an incorrect value on layout if it was preceded by a multi-page Layout.
• ARCH-5929 DOCUMENT:Rows of a schedule sometimes stuck and overlapped themselves in the header after applying "Freeze Schedule Header"
• ARCH-6717 EDIT/CRASH: Adding a transom to a curtain wall sometimes made ARCHICAD crash.
• ARCH-7770 EDIT: Only rectangular method was available with zones when using "Add to Polygon/Subtract from Polygon" .
• ARCH-5898 EDIT: Unexpected shapes were displayed in 3D window while some elements disappeared.
• ARCH-3745 EXPORT/CRASH: A project map list could not be published.
• ARCH-6501 FILE/DWG/EXPORT: DWG export created additional blocks for similar elements that were using a different graphical override.
• ARCH-12526 FILE/EXPORT/OBJ: Certain element types got misleading type names upon Wavefront model export.
• ARCH-12525 FILE/EXPORT/OBJ: If the project had negative stories, exporting a Wavefront model would result in wrong story number representation within the exported file.
• ARCH-9570 FILE/IFC/EXPORT/CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed upon IFC export, when a model filter for renovation status was used.
• ARCH-9462 FILE/IFC/EXPORT: Component quantities were not exported for duplicated morphs.
• ARCH-8721 FILE/IFC/EXPORT: The gross and the net volume of a beam appeared to be equal, although the beam included openings.
• ARCH-4326 FILE/IFC/EXPORT: Walls, beams, and stairs on export to IFC moved from original positions when classified as Site Geometry.
• ARCH-10854 FILE/IFC/HOTLINK: When an ARCHICAD project containing an IFC hotlink was hotlinked further into another AC project, the related LCF files wouldn't synchronize with the model elements upon IFC model update.
• ARCH-7876 FILE/IFC/IMPORT: If default beam end angle settings were modified, it affected IFC model elements imported as ARCHICAD beams.
• ARCH-8614 FILE/IFC/IMPORT: It was not possible to import elements in ARCHICAD 23 that could be imported with older versions.
• ARCH-8968 FILE/IMPORT/MOD: Merging a module file would silently fail when the host file had the same complex profile attributes.
• ARCH-6713 FILE/SAVE/CRASH: ARCHICAD sometimes crashed saving a MOD file because of preview generation.
• ARCH-6604 FILE/SAVE/FREEZE:Background processing of 3D documents sometimes interrupted the saving process causing ARCHICAD to freeze.
• ARCH-5684 FILE/SAVE/HOTLINK: Publishing/Saving to MOD with specific stories range would export elements in current story only.
• ARCH-8320 FILE/SAVE: There was an issue saving projects on cloud-synced folders under macOS.
• ARCH-3765 HOTLINK/CRASH: Home story handling sometimes caused the hotlink update to crash.
• ARCH-7203 HOTLINK: Dimension text position modifications in Hotlink source did not reflect in host file.
• ARCH-8610 MODEL/CRASH: Views set to invalid renovation filters crashed ARCHICAD.
• ARCH-3616 MODEL/CRASH: A cross section with 0 height and/or 0 thickness values sometimes crashed ARCHICAD.
• ARCH-9447 MODEL/CRASH: ARCHICAD sometimes crashed with a view switch that changed the story and enabled all layers.
• ARCH-4845 MODEL/CRASH: Heap corruption caused by corrupted complex profiles crashed ARCHICAD.
• ARCH-8276 MODEL/CRASH: Modifying angle of a curtain wall in 3D sometimes crashed ARCHICAD if the curtain wall had a negative offset for the reference line.
• ARCH-8965 MODEL/CRASH: Some curved beam instances crashed ARCHICAD in 2D.
• ARCH-8784 MODEL/CRASH: Sometimes Model View Options became unavailable in a project and later crashed ARCHICAD upon project launch.
• ARCH-6412 MODEL/DOCUMENT/GDL:Navigation between tabs sometimes was slow because of schedules of railings.
• ARCH-9554 MODEL/SPEED: Slowness in response when 2D Cutaways were enabled.
• ARCH-4697 MODEL: The GDL model was not rebuilt in the Fly-Through animation.
• ARCH-5633 MODEL: Associative railing placed on spiral stair had some missing panels.
• ARCH-7566 MODEL: Beams called from favorites would not be visible in any stories after placing.
• ARCH-8782 MODEL: Change in WALL_THICKNESS GDL parameter resulted in wrong reveal depth for custom door objects.
• ARCH-5629 MODEL: Cut bodies sometimes slowed navigation in 3D mode.
• ARCH-6426 MODEL: Slanted columns lost their priority based connection with the wall if the slant edge was not 90°.
• ARCH-7564 MODEL:Complex profile walls could not connect their reference line automatically by touching the outer skin.
• ARCH-11538 MODEL: Cannot establish the connection with Grasshopper on macOS Catalina.
• ARCH-9331 SPEED: Junction handling of beams was slower in ARCHICAD 23 than its previous version.
• ARCH-5931 SPEED: The amount of model view option combinations had an effect on how fast favorites were loaded.
• ARCH-10088 SPEED: There was a lagging in editing a zone's shape on floor plan, when model view options openings were set to display.
• ARCH-10295 TEAMWORK/CRASH: ARCHICAD in Teamwork crashed, when attributes were deleted in the Attribute Manager.
• ARCH-6524 TEAMWORK/CRASH: Layers combination modifications were not handled robustly in Teamwork.
• ARCH-6605 TEAMWORK: Error "Start difference tracing failed!" appeared when joining a project on macOS.
• ARCH-7409 USER INTERFACE: ARCHICAD editing window became grey when 2D Drawing hardware acceleration was turned off on macOS.
• ARCH-6163 USER INTERFACE: Headroom settings were incorrectly managed amongst model view options for sections/elevations, 3d, and 3d cutaway views.
• ARCH-6603 USER INTERFACE: Searching the font list by pressing a key has been enabled on Windows too.
• ARCH-7767 USER INTERFACE: Startup dialog did not show any recently opened files.
This package contains the fixes and improvements of the previous Updates as well.
Masculin Humeur : Plus piquante que jamais
Date d'inscription : 29/06/2010
Nombre de messages : 9082
Points : 14132
Localisation : Luxembourg
Emploi : Dessinateur

MessageCoulou Jeu 28 Mai 2020 - 17:03

Merci pour l'info bien

iMac 27' 2019 / MacOS 12.6 Monterey / Radeon Pro 575X 4 Go / 3,6 GHz Intel Core i9 / 32Go RAM /  (non c'est moi qui est copié sur Chapi)

Moi aussi j'étais aventurier autrefois, et puis, j'ai pris une flèche dans le genou.

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